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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1348

[URGENT]-Cypress Account Missing Product Information


    • Helpdesk


      I logged into my cypress account yesterday afternoon for this Drummond Group instance: https://ec2-34-205-10-37.compute-1.amazonaws.com discovering that my product and testing data had completely disappeared!!! I had to recreate the product information which re-generated random data but due to the limited amount of time my team has to re-enter data to test before our next certification date, I am reaching out to see if there is any way that a backup of old data can be retrieved for my account ASAP. It took a very long time for us to input data into our EHR and we really do not have enough time to re-create all of this information.

      The vendor on this instance is MedMagic and I am attaching the files that were last associated with my product, MedMagic. Please let me know if anything can be done for this as again, we are on a very limited time crunch and need to bring back the old information we had before.

      If there is no way to bring a back up of this data to my cypress account, is it possible to still test with all the data that I pulled from the site already? (I had downloaded all good known results for the QRDA Level 1 and 3 tests for the 9 CQMs I am testing for)

      Thank you!

            dczulada David Czulada
            kyin6 Kalena Yin (Inactive)
            Kalena Yin (Inactive)
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