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  1. CYPRESS Issue Tracker
  2. CYPRESS-1078

CMS190 IP Encounter, Performed with OB Diagnosis attribute is an IPP exclusion


    • Icon: Question Question
    • Resolution: Answered
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • Other

      Cypress generated record sampling test asks for IP Encounter, Performed with Diagnosis attribute from the OB Grouping Value Set 2.16.840.1.113883., which is included in the AND NOT portion of the IPP criteria.

      The IPP population criteria causes OB dx encounters to be disqualified (spec is attached).

      In the past you've advised that we can create as many patients and encounters as needed to create all the required QDM elements for the test.

      I find that this value set referenced only in 108 and 190 and both include this same IS NOT IPP criteria.
      1 - other than 108/190 is the another measure that utilizes the OB value set (did I miss one?)
      2 - how do we qualify an encounter with this encounter attribute for this specific test (screenshot attached)?

        1. CMS190v5_Cypress.png
          109 kB
          Shawn Dunaway-Shanks
        2. CMS190v5_spec.pdf
          86 kB
          Shawn Dunaway-Shanks
        3. CMS108v5_spec.pdf
          87 kB
          Shawn Dunaway-Shanks

            dczulada David Czulada
            cd037385 Shawn Dunaway-Shanks (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
