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  1. CQL Issue Tracker
  2. CQLIT-99

Positive changes to Human readable


    • Icon: Other Other
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Trivial Trivial
    • None

      We appreciated some of the visual changes to the human readable document, two in particular of note:

      1) We appreciate that there are no longer any more single character variable names.
      2) We liked that descriptions for the various CQL parts now have spaces between the words, it makes it far easier to read. For example,

      Denominator Exclusions

      "Encounter With ICU Location Less Than 2 Days"
      union "First ICU Stay With Principal Procedure of SCIP VTE Selected Surgery"
      union "Intervention Comfort Measures From Start of Hospitalization To Day After First ICU Stay"
      union "Intervention Comfort Measures on Day of or Day After Procedure"

            bryn_rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            cquinlan Carsten (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
