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  1. CQL Issue Tracker
  2. CQLIT-426

Test Cases Fail after FHIR libraries were updated to the most recently published version


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • None
    • None
    • May impact November 2023 Connectathon testing
    • Yes
    • QI Core/CQL
    • CMS0871v3
    • Bug/Issue
    • MADiE

      Attached FHIR Measure CMS871 has 11 test cases. Passing Rate and Coverage were both 100% before updates made to most recently published FHIR libraries. After the following library updates were made to the CQL, two cases are now failing. Test case bundle attached. Test case names:
      Both are failing to meet the Initial Population based on "Encounter with Existing Diabetes Diagnosis" criteria.
      Cannot identify why they are failing after these library updates were made:
      CQMCommon updated from 1.4.000 to 2.0.000
      QICoreCommon updated from 1.5.000 to 2.0.000

        1. CQLsnippetFromMADiElibrary.txt
          2 kB
          Peter Muir
        2. TestCasesTwoFailing.docx
          312 kB
          Michelle Lefebvre

            bryn_rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            MichLefebvre Michelle Lefebvre
            0 Vote for this issue
            14 Start watching this issue
