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  1. CQL Issue Tracker
  2. CQLIT-412

Calculation Issue with MedicationRequest


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • CQL-ELM Translator
    • None

      A calculation issue occurs when a filter is used for a MedicationRequest profile retrieval in QI-Core. The MedicationRequest resource cannot be found even though the test case JSON contains the MedicationRequest resource, relevant meta.profile and uses the medication element either as a CodeableConcept or referenced Medication resource. For example, when provided the following CQL and correct test case JSON, the case passes: 



      exists ( 
        [MedicationRequest] ACEIOrARBOrARNIOrdered
          where (
            ( ACEIOrARBOrARNIOrdered.medication as Concept ) in "ACE Inhibitor or ARB or ARNI"
              or ( ACEIOrARBOrARNIOrdered.medication as Reference ).reference.getId() in ( [Medication: "ACE Inhibitor or ARB or ARNI"] ACEIOrARBOrARNI return ACEIOrARBOrARNI.id )
            and ACEIOrARBOrARNIOrdered.isOrderedDuringHeartFailureOutpatientEncounter()



      However, when the CQL is updated to use the primary code path for the MedicationRequest, the test case that was passing now fails:


      updated CQL


      exists ( 
        [MedicationRequest: "ACE Inhibitor or ARB or ARNI"] ACEIOrARBOrARNIOrdered
          where ACEIOrARBOrARNIOrdered.isOrderedDuringHeartFailureOutpatientEncounter()


      Based on a brief review of the QI-Core 4.1.1 Model Info file, I'm speculating that the issue is stemming from it. The primary code path for MedicationRequest is provided as 'medication', but medication is a choice type: 

      <typeInfo xsi:type="ClassInfo" baseType="QICore.DomainResource" namespace="QICore" name="MedicationRequest" identifier="http://hl7.org/fhir/us/qicore/StructureDefinition/qicore-medicationrequest" label="MedicationRequest" retrievable="true" primaryCodePath="medication">
        <element name="medication" target="FHIRHelpers.ToValue(%value)" description="..." mustSupport="true">
           <elementTypeSpecifier xsi:type="ChoiceTypeSpecifier">
              <choice namespace="System" name="Concept" xsi:type="NamedTypeSpecifier"/>
              <choice namespace="QICore" name="Reference" xsi:type="NamedTypeSpecifier"/>
           <binding description="Prescribable medications" strength="Extensible"/>








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            bryn_rhodes Bryn Rhodes
            SRankins Stan Rankins
            0 Vote for this issue
            15 Start watching this issue
