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  1. CQL Issue Tracker
  2. CQLIT-371

CMS142FHIR - CommunicationNotDone and .reasonCode


    • EP
    • QI Core/CQL
    • Bug/Issue Question
    • This issue is resolved in the QI Core STU5 publication
    • MADiE


      In CMS142FHIR, we ran into issues trying to express the concept of Macular Edema Absent Not Communicated as it uses a DRC. 

      In following the Authoring Patterns, below, including this in the logic would give us correct CQL with no errors - but when we run the test cases (all) the test case editor would return an error referencing an issue with an 'operand' and would not run any test case.

         or "Macular edema absent (situation)" in




      We removed and only retained this in our CQL - which passes without errors in the CQL editor.

          MacularEdemaAbsentNotCommunicated.reasonCode ~ "Macular edema absent (situation)"

      However, this logic is unable to be met in the test case editor - specifically the CommunicationNotDone.reasonCode element.


      From CQL Authoring Patterns:


            jseeman02 Jennifer Seeman
            kimberlys Kimberly Smuk
            0 Vote for this issue
            8 Start watching this issue
