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  1. CQL Issue Tracker
  2. CQLIT-362

CMS871v3 : Question Regarding EarliestOf Function


    • Icon: Question/Guidance Question/Guidance
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • None
    • Yes
    • CMS0871v3
    • EH/CAH eCQMs Defect

      Hi Team,


      Consider statements below from ** CMS871v3.


      One of the IPP criteria states:


      Encounter with Elevated Glucose Greater Than or Equal to 200:


      "Encounter with Hospitalization Period" Hospitalization

      with ["Laboratory Test, Performed": "Glucose Lab Test Mass Per Volume"] GlucoseTest

      such that Global."EarliestOf" ( GlucoseTest.relevantDatetime, GlucoseTest.relevantPeriod ) during Hospitalization.hospitalizationPeriod

      and GlucoseTest.result >= 200 'mg/dL'

       return Hospitalization.encounter



      Global.EarliestOf(pointInTime DateTime, period Interval<DateTime>)
      Earliest(NormalizeInterval(pointInTime, period))

      Global.Earliest(period Interval<DateTime>)
      if ( HasStart(period)) then start of period
      end of period

      Global.HasStart(period Interval<DateTime>)
      not ( start of period is null
      or start of period = minimum DateTime


      Queries :


      1. The functionality states Global. Earliestof ,Please help us understand how do we interpret it?


      2. Global.HasStart(period Interval<DateTime>)
      not ( start of period is null
      or start of period = minimum DateTime)
      Kindly provide more clarity on the above functionality. should the start of period be considered Not Null and what does start of period = minimum DateTime mean?


            pjmuirESAC Peter Muir
            GayatriK4 gayatri kulkarni
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