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  1. BONNIE MAT MADiE Issue Tracker
  2. BONNIEMAT-1671

Coverage Issue for STK-5 Condition


    • Icon: Test Case JSON Test Case JSON
    • Resolution: Resolved
    • Icon: Moderate Moderate
    • None
    • MADiE
    • QI Core
    • Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2FHIR
    • CMS72FHIR
    • FHIR R4/CQL
    • ConditionPriorTPA
    • Coverage Issue of Measure
    • Yes

      Hello, I am currently having an issue with STK-5 where the definition is not highlighted but the sub conditions are highlighted and the test case should be passing DENEX but is not.  I was previously at 100% so not sure what the change is and have spent a lot of time trying to trouble shoot the test case. Any help would be appreciated thanks. 

            "fullUrl": "https://madie.cms.gov/Condition/thrombolytic-therapy-given",
            "resource": {
              "resourceType": "Condition",
              "id": "thrombolytic-therapy-given",

      {           "profile": [             "http://hl7.org/fhir/us/qicore/StructureDefinition/qicore-condition"           ]         }

              "clinicalStatus": {
                "coding": [

      {               "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-clinical",               "code": "active",               "display": "active",               "userSelected": true             }

              "verificationStatus": {
                "coding": [

      {               "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-ver-status",               "code": "confirmed",               "display": "confirmed",               "userSelected": true             }

              "category": [
                  "coding": [

      {                 "system": "http://terminology.hl7.org/CodeSystem/condition-category",                 "code": "problem-list-item",                 "display": "Problem List Item"               }

              "code": {
                "coding": [

      {               "system": "http://hl7.org/fhir/sid/icd-10-cm",               "code": "Z92.82",               "display": "Thrombolytic Therapy Given"             }


      {           "reference": "Patient/07663bba-9abe-46e2-b2e6-bcfc26e57a45"         }

              "onsetDateTime": "2025-10-10T06:16:00+00:00",
              "recordedDate": "2025-10-11T06:15:00+00:00"

        1. image-2023-11-16-10-23-57-122.png
          19 kB
          Sheila Aguilar
        2. image-2023-11-16-10-55-19-854.png
          200 kB
          Chandra Bartleman

            cbartleman@telligen.com Chandra Bartleman
            saguilar1219 Sheila Aguilar
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
