1. Update on the Interoperability Showcase and Connectathon
    1. we have sufficient participants for a 360X use case, with the participation of two device vendors,
    2. the scenario is about a cardiac patient, and it will be developed based on the participant's capabilities.
  2. We have received several times a question on how 360X can support the eCQM measure for closed loop referral. At first glance, it seems that anyone using 360X and managing referrals will simply need to reflect the information in their system to provide the corresponding counts for closed loop referral, using the appropriate SNOMED codes. We will enhance the implementation guide to describe this in some more detail, and for this we will need the feedback of the quality measures community.
  3. Testing update. 
    1. Last week's testing sessions were low-key, with few participants. As we ramp up towards the Interoperability showcase we expect more participation based on the demo scenario
    2.  We had new participants and this was a good start to establish connectivity
  4. Future testing sessions
    1. We agreed on 3 sessions before the holidays - week of October 22 (earlier in the week), week of November 12th (later in the week), and week of December 10th
    2. Specific days for the first session will be determined by next call
  5. ONC annual meeting, November 29th and 30th. There might be an opportunity to present about 360X, especially with the link to satisfying eCQM measures. Brett will keep us informed
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