Alix Goss

Bob Dieterle

Rick Geimer

Ed Martin

Danielle Friend

Karl Davis

Patrick Murta


One Pager - Apple (Ed Martin)


Karl – rumors/hope that Apple Health may eventually support a consumer claims data set as well


Bob – in Healthkit, is data maintained discretely or is it represented as a document?


Bob – what can this Tiger Team learn from Apple’s work? Anything re: scaling?


Bob – how does the app manage updates?


Bob – hearing that Apple provides the ability to determine whether a particular endpoint is available…when you authenticate what happens?


Ed – in addition to Apple, there are other apps that can provide access to EHR data via APIs (usually b/c of a MU measure). Some of these apps store the data on the app’s cloud-based servers rather than the device itself


Bob – could Epic have chosen to have a single endpoint and use a security token to pass queries? (i.e. Epic provides a single endpoint and manages connections internally)