Daniel Skinner | X |
Matt Bishop | X |
Matt Becker | X |
Vassil Peytchev | X |
Garry Miller | X |
Signing up for the mailing list can be done at https://360x-referral.com/mailman3/lists/360x-contrib.360x-referral.com/
There is an archive of all messages sent to the mailing list, including the meeting requests, at https://360x-referral.com/archives/list/360x-contrib@360x-referral.com/
Final edits for the 360X-SD IHE profile are taking place. Work on the SDOH.RSQ (referral status query) is also continuing.
We had a discussion on a survey to gauge the interest in taking on developing a specification for using 360X over TEFCA.
The survey can be found at https://forms.gle/tdu2GZcMutMJZdEN6