
The Cancer Report Validator (CRV) is an interactive tool for validating the content of electronic submissions of cancer-related medical information prior to a system's communication with a cancer registry.


The National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) is a program run by the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). NPCR's mission is to collect data to monitor the burden of cancer, evaluate the success of programs, and identify additional needs for cancer prevention and control efforts at national, state, and more local levels.

In order to facilitate this goal, central cancer registries have been established to collect data from sources such as hospitals, doctors' offices, and laboratories on cancer occurrence and type of initial treatment. CRV serves as a means of verifying that the software used by doctors' offices is capable of correctly preparing Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) documents for submission. This tool only applies to the format required by Meaningful Use for physicians and it is not intended to be used for hospital or laboratory reporting.

This initiative was sponsored by the CDC.