Multi-Stakeholder FHIR Initiatives Accelerate Adoption: Advancing Data Integration in Support of Analytics and Applications for Improved Patient Care, Provider Workflow and Population Health  

Session Description

Initiatives Across the industry, Argonaut, Da Vinci, Carequality and the ONC FHIR at Scale (FAST) initiative are leveraging HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) to liberate the data. They aim to create essential use cases, guidelines, remove barriers to FHIR scalability and incubate new initiatives. This session highlights accomplishments, proposed approaches, remaining challenges and next steps for these initiatives. 

Session Speakers

Christopher Muir, ONC Standards Division Director (Chair)

Jocelyn Keegan, Point of Care Partners and Da Vinci representative on the panel 

Dave Cassel , Carequlity

Charles Jaffe, HL7 CEO and Argonaut Project representative on the panel 

Patrick Murta, Humana and FAST Chief Architect 

Presentation deck