Initial proposal, communications, and ongoing engagement related to Surescripts.


Surescripts Timeline.061919


Program Partners Test Method MOU.Surescripts.111319

Program Partners Test Method MOU.Surescripts.080119

Program Partners Test Method MOU.Surescripts.061919

Side-by-Side Testing

ONC ATL Eprescribing Attestation Document - FINAL DRAFT.080519_DC.docx

ONC ATL Eprescribing Attestation Document - FINAL DRAFT.080519.docx

ONC Program Partner Surescripts Side by Side.061919.docx

Appendix 1 - Test Procedure and Tool Approval Worksheet.Surescripts.10.6.docx

Appendix 2 - Message Validation Results.docx

Appendix 3 - Surescripts Certification Testing Scenarios Change Log - B&H - Routing.xlsx

Appendix 4 - Business Rule Logic Details.doc

Decision Memo and Communications Plan

Decision Memo

ONC Communications Rollout.061919

ONC INFORMATION Memo_Evidence for Certification Flexibility _Draft for Steve.docx

Communications: Listserv, Blog Post

Surescripts listserv_080519.docx

Blog Rough Draft eRx b3 Surescripts.061919.docx

Communications: Letters/E-mails

10/2/15 Initial letter of inquiry to ONC

10/16/15 Follow-up to inquiry

11/5/15 Response to follow-up

12/30/15 Response to additional follow-up

8/9/17 Options e-mail from ONC to Surescripts

8/2/18 E-mail notification from Surescripts of approval for ATM/ATL