
Call slot was used for HIMSS demo testing.

No call - testing for HIMSS demo

Preparations for HIMSS demo, confirm testing/rehearsal dates (no call next week), discuss VIP tour.

Answer for the question from last week:

For the purposes of the demo, when the patient is admitted in the SNF and a notification is sent to the PCP, ORC-1 should be set to OK and ORC-5 should be set to CM.

Not that this is not (yet) part of the current specification. It might be added at a later point.

IHE meeting is next week, 360XL (L for Long Term Care) is going to be presented.

Short call, Review testing plans, and white paper.

Open question (Vassil not present to answer):

When the notification is sent from SNF to PCP, what are the expected values for ORC-1 and ORC-5?

IHE Connectathon Report:

  • Continued growth
    2018 - 3 participants
    2019 - 5 participants
    2020 - 7 participants
  • Organizers eager to optimize tests, and after three years of testing, it makes sense to ask for a supportive testing option

Switching focus to HIMSS demo, and testing schedule:

  • Testing slots:
    • 2/21 – 10 - 5 Eastern (will cancel call)
      2/25 – 10 - 5 Eastern
      2/27 – 9 - noon Eastern

  • Rehearsal slots:
    • 2/27 – noon - 5 Eastern
      3/2 – use meeting time/Rehearsal afternoon
      3/4 – final (question) rehearsal - 10 Eastern

Short call, most people are at the Connectathon.

Last preparations for Connectathon

Review of White paper

HIMSS preparation discussion:

  • Is there a payer to add to the scenario? Vassil is looking into it
  • VIP tour - what time slot, how to organize
  • White Paper - under development

There is an AHRQ grant that healthcare organizations may be able to use to implement 360X:

Short call, welcome back everyone, and Happy New Year!

Connectathon and HIMSS Demo testing preparation review.

Review testing status for Connectathon, and HIMSS Demo. Next call is next year!

Review testing, Connectahon preparation and HIMSS demo. No call on December 27.

Short call, updates on Connectathon and HIMSS demo praparation

Short call, reviewed testing sessions.

No call on 11/29.

The IHE PCC Committee accepted the proposal for a new profile to handle the LTAC use case at the face-to-face meeting this week. The goal is to have the draft document for the February meeting, after which it can be published for a public comment period. In addition, several Change Proposals to the existing 360X profile are in the works, in order to bring the profile up-to-date with our decisions from the past year.

We reviewed the CMS Discharge Planning Rule brief and how it affects the LTAC implementation guide.

We finalized the wording of the Short Description for the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase demo.

Reviewed the testing sessions from the past week, and agreed to another set of sessions on November 19 and November 20.