Versions Compared


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  • With respect to authorization of data release to assess eligibility prior to consent, what protections should be afforded to incarcerated populations?
  • With respect to consent of data use for research (ROI), what additional protections should be provided to incarcerated populations to prevent coercion?
  • What additional privacy protections should be in place for prisoners and former prisoners?
  • Do different considerations apply if screening data is collected as part of prison intake vs. research procedures?
  • What considerations apply if the study design included plans to continue data collection if a participant is re-incarcerated after release?
  • Does there need to be another consent if someone is re-incarcerated?
  • What are the implications of using the data that was collected when the patient was not incarcerated?





The researcher conducts pharmaceutical RCT with prisoners and former prisoners who are HIV-positive and opioid dependent. Study outcomes can only be assessed after prisoners are released.

Primary actor/participant


Support actor/participant

Jails, corrections department, probation department


  • Researcher has IRB approval from Medical School and approval from research committees of corrections department, jails and prisons to collect, combine, and analyze data directly obtained from Subjects.
  • DUA with corrections department to receive data about parole/probation violations, arrests and incarceration.
  • Certificate of Confidentiality obtained from HHS.

Post conditions

  • Information was collected and combined using a researcher generated unique beneficiary identifier.


  • Prisoners under drug court mandate to participate in post-release substance use and HIV treatment.
  • Persons under age 21 are included


  • Prisoners must not be coerced into participating in the study

Data Elements Considered

Clinical data from survey/biometric data from subjects, corrections data about violations and contact with criminal justice system

Purpose of the Data Collection

Research, criminal justice

Purpose of Data Use

Analysis under a specific IRB approved research protocol

Terms of Transfer to the Data Holders

Direct consent from subjects to researcher for survey/biometric data and criminal justice data, DUA between criminal justice and researcher’s medical school

Terms of Transfer to Researchers

IRB approval, research committee approval, DUA


Criminal justice data transfer quarterly

