Versions Compared


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The IG Conformance Events tab includes a summary of the IG conformance validation events above a table containing a row for each validation event.


IG conformance events will be displayed/activation of the Schematron validation will occur only when a ClinicalDocument root element is present in the cancer event report at a minimum, as indicated below. Additional namespaces can be declared at the root element or in a child element elsewhere in the cancer event report.

Code Block
<ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3">

Summary Statistics

The statistics represent the number of IG conformance validation events that fall into one of the following categories:


Column NameDescriptionFiltering Options

Indicates the status of the validation event

  • Match: the value in the cancer event report submission for a data element matches the expected value specified in the test data
  • Mismatch: the value in the cancer event report submission for a data element does not match the expected value specified in the test data
Mismatch or Match
Actual ResultThe value found in the submitted report at the location specified in the "Location" column.ID 
Expected Result(s)The possible value(s) that could be used in the submitted report, as specified in the test data.ID 
Location Indicates the location in the submitted report where a data element corresponding to the test data can be found in terms of
  • Node Expression: an XPath expression
  • Line #
  • Column #
 Line #

Additional messages that the user may want to look at, which further explain the status and/or result of the validation event (i.e. why there is a mismatch).

Examples include:

  • "Mismatch is part of a group of XPath expressions, in which one must be satisfied for the event to be considered a match."

  • "Actual result matches expected result, but is not found in the expected location."

IDValidation event id, which users can provide in support requests when they have questions regarding a particular test data match or mismatch. The same validation id will correspond to the same match or mismatch tested for a given cancer event report submission.