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This guide details the process for configuring the Structured Data Capture Conformance Tool (SDCCT).

Configure Authbind on Ubuntu

If you are installing SDCCT on Ubuntu, authbind is required to allow the sdcct-web-gateway user to run on privileged ports (port numbers 0-1023). For SDCCT, the sdcct-web-gateway service must bind to port 80. Authbind may already be installed on your version of Ubuntu and can be found in /etc/authbind. If it is not already installed:

Code Block
sudo apt-get install authbind

Since authbind requires the use of IPv4, add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf:

Code Block
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1

Reinitialize sysctl by running the following:

Code Block
sudo sysctl -p

In order to allow the sdcct-web-gateway service to bind to port 80, run the following:


cd /etc/authbind/byport/
touch 80
chmod 500 80
chown sdcct-web-gateway 80

Installing the sdcct-web-gateway Debian Package

If you followed the Source Build Guide to build SDCCT, a Debian package will be created in ~/sdcct/sdcct-web-gateway/target/sdcct-web-gateway_<version#>~<timestamp>_all.deb. To install sdcct-web-gateway, run:
Code Block
dpkg --install sdcct-web-gateway_<version#>~<timestamp>_all.deb

To start the sdcct-web-gateway service, run:

Code Block
service sdcct-web-gateway start


Overriding Properties

By default, the sdcct-web-gateway service binds to port 10080. This port can be changed by overriding the sdcct.tomcat.server.port.http property in the file. This can be done by creating an file in /etc/sdcct-web-gateway/META-INF/sdcct and including the specified property with a new port.


The /META-INF/sdcct directory needs to be created in /etc/sdcct-web-gateway. Other properties can be overriden in a similar fashion in, including optional proxy configuration and setting the context path for the Tomcat server. Other Spring properties and beans in XML files from the source code can also be overridden following a similar approach.

Configuration with an HTTP Proxy Server

If configuring sdcct-web-gateway to work behind an HTTP proxy server like Apache HTTPD, the proxy server configuration should include setting the "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header to allow any origin to access returned resources and support tunneling of web socket connections to the Tomcat server.