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Table of Contents


The Data Loader utility loads deployment-specific certificates, keystores, DNS entries, and Agent settings into a specified Direct Java RI Configuration Service.

The user is required to specify the target deployment domain and domain IPv4 address at runtime, as explained below.

Command Line

The utility is invoked on the command line:

$ ./ --help
[--help -d <name> --dip <address> -i <path> --wsh <name> --wspd <path> --wsp <num>]
--help                                 Print help information.
-d (--domain) name                     Domain name to load data for.
--dip (--domainip) address             Domain IPv4 address to load data for.
-i (--in) path                         Path to the input directory or archive file from which to read certificates/keys.
--wsh (--wshost) name                  Web service (config-service) host.
--wspd (--wspath) path                 Web service (config-service) path.
--wsp (--wsport) num                   Web service (config-service) port number.

Required Options

  -d (--domain) name                     Domain name to load data for.
--dip (--domainip) address             Domain IPv4 address to load data for.


Optional Options

  -i (--in) path                         Path to the input directory or archive file from which to read certificates/keys.


  • The default value of the --wsp (--wsport) option is: 8081


$ ./ -d localhost --dip
Connected to data service (http://localhost:8081/config-service/ConfigurationService).
Loaded 27 entries into data service (http://localhost:8081/config-service/ConfigurationService).
Loaded 5 setting(s) into data service (http://localhost:8081/config-service/ConfigurationService).
Loaded 54 DNS record(s) into data service (http://localhost:8081/config-service/ConfigurationService).


  • Note: The Data Loader utility always performs a minimum amount of changes.
    • It will only add new data entries if an identical entry does not already exist.
    • It will only modify existing data entries when/if they match the associated key (i.e. the domain name for a DNS A record) of a loading entry, but not its value.