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  • What types of laws, policies or governance structures could be established to address re-identification issues?
  • Should consent forms include information about reidentification risk? Is it feasible to include this type of information in consent forms given the technical complexity of the subject?
  • How do you allow individuals the opportunity to control what types of research is conducted with their data?[vi]
  • By what methods should data be deidentified to minimize risk of reidentification?
  • Is it feasible to include DUA’s clauses where data subjects are the third-party beneficiaries should patient data be deliberately re-identified by researchers?
  • What potential group and individual harms exist even when data is de-identified?[vii]
  • Is the possibility of reidentification considered new information since it could lead to an accidental/unauthorized disclosure? If so, should participants be contacted and informed or the potential risk,or even re-consented?  Should the DUA even include considerations and subsequent steps for this kind of risk of reidentification?
  • What additional data may need to be collected for research that in tandem with genetic biomarker data (clinical, environmental or otherwise) might increase the risk of reidentifiability?
  • Should the biospecimen samples be destroyed once researchers collect the data of interest? Is this helpful to protectindividualsprotect individuals?





Researcher collects blood and saliva samples to analyze for particular genetic biomarkers related to disease.

Primary actor/participant

Researcher (end-user) using in-house repository

Support actor/participant

Participants, research coalition members


  • All data collection, access procedures, and data uses have been approved by the IRB
  • Consent has been obtained from participants


Ethical best practices are observed for managing and de-identifying genetic data


  • The researcher needs to share identifiable information among the coalition, and must ensure authorization or waiver requirements are met
  • The researcher must collect additional potentially identifiable data (e.g., demographics, environmental data)


Resources for contacting and providing indirect benefit to participants

Data Elements Considered

Genetic biomarkers

Purpose of the Data Collection



Purpose of Data Use

Disease-specific genetic analysis


Terms of Transfer to the Data Holders

IRB approval, informed consent

Terms of Transfer to Researchers

IRB approval


[iii] Department of Health and Human Services. National Human Genome Research Institute. Funding Opportunity: Centers for Common Disease Genomics.

[iv] National Institutes of Medicine, National Library of Medicine. Genetics Home Reference.

[v] National Human Genome Research Institute.

[vi] The Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program – Building a Research Foundation for 21st Century Medicine. Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Working Group Report to the Advisory Committee to the Director, NIH. September 17, 2015.

[vii] The Secretary’s Advisory Committee for Human Research Protections (SACHRP).
