Note that "alternative" means any test method that is not operated-maintained by ONC or NIST. 


On June 9, 2015 the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a notice in the Federal Register titled "Acceptance and Approval of Non-Governmental Developed Test Procedures, Test Tools, and Test Data for Use Under the ONC Health IT Certification Program." This notice informed the public of ONC's policy that permits any person or entity to submit test procedures, test tools, and test data (herein a "test method") to ONC to be considered for approval and use by accredited testing laboratories. The notice reiterated that in determining whether to approve a test method for purposes of the ONC Health IT Certification Program, the National Coordinator will consider whether it is clearly traceable to a certification criterion or criteria; whether it is sufficiently comprehensive for NVLAP-accredited testing laboratories to use in testing health IT's compliance with the certification criterion or criteria; whether an appropriate public comment process was used during the development of the test method; and any other relevant factors (76 FR 1280). 

Read the 5-year goal to transition the ONC Health IT Certification Program testing portfolio


Test Procedure - Tool Approval Worksheet

ONC – Authorized Testing Laboratory Application (ONC-ATL)


PPT list of the current Program Partners

Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4
Summary proposal is submitted to the mailbox 
ONC response with a process
overview, a customized worksheet
is created-sent 
Completed worksheet is
submitted, ONC reviews-
requests demonstrations-
information as necessary 
ONC prepares analysis recommendation
paper, and then a memorandum for the National
Coordinator to approve or disapprove based on
the analysis  
Step 5Step 6Step 7
MOU is created-
signed defining
operational dimensions 
Test procedures-artifacts
are created by the submitter,
reviewed-approved by ONC;
CHPL updated 
ATL-ACB's are trained
in testing method as







The Sequoia Project

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