[QDM-138] Use of an attribute with a variable. Created: 12/07/15  Updated: 12/22/20  Resolved: 05/02/16

Status: Resolved
Project: QDM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Data Model

Type: Guidance Priority: Minor
Reporter: Cynthia L. Barton (Inactive) Assignee: Floyd Eisenberg
Resolution: Done Votes: 0
Labels: None

QDM Data Types:
Encounter, Performed


I have a question. Can I use an attribute with a variable? Such as:
$MeasureEncounter (principal diagnosis: breast cancer)
Or do I need to include the principal diagnosis as part of the variable?

Comment by Floyd Eisenberg [ 05/02/16 ]

Commenter agreed that the question was answered

Comment by Cynthia L. Barton (Inactive) [ 12/07/15 ]

I believe that answers my question.
Thank you.

Comment by Floyd Eisenberg [ 12/07/15 ]

Note - To add some clarity, you cannot reference an attribute on a variable reference. The attribute would have to be referenced from inside the variable definition.

Comment by Floyd Eisenberg [ 12/07/15 ]

QDM 4.2 attributes are generally flat, in that they use a value set (in the future, a single value where appropriate). Since you seem to be using "principal diagnosis" as an attribute of "Encounter, performed" the MAT does not allow further details about the attribute (i.e., no attribute of an attribute). I'm not clear if this answers your question. If not, can you specify further?

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