CMS61 under the denominator description references to subtract 1 from risk count when HDL-C is >= 60 but the logic does not specify in the count criteria. The logic shows the risks to "count", but does not show that the HDL-C >= 60 should be subtracted.
- For Denominator 2 and Denominator 3, HDL-C > or equal to 60 mg/dL subtracts 1 risk from the above (This is a negative risk factor.)
Example from denominator 3:
AND: Count >= 3 of:
OR: FIRST:"Patient Characteristic: Current Cigarette Smoker" starts before or during "Measurement Period"
OR: FIRST:"Diagnosis, Family History: Family History CHD" starts before or during "Measurement Period"
OR: FIRST:"Laboratory Test, Result: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) (result < 40 mg/dL)" during "Measurement Period"
OR: "Diagnosis, Active: Diagnosis of hypertension grouped" starts before or during "Measurement Period"
OR: "Medication, Active: Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologic Therapy" during "Measurement Period"