[CQM-2238] CMS136: Numerator Created: 10/07/16  Updated: 04/30/19  Resolved: 04/30/19

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians Priority: Minor
Reporter: Elissa Chandler (Inactive) Assignee: Mathematica EC eCQM Team
Resolution: Done Votes: 0
Labels: None

Attachments: Microsoft Word 12_8_16_CMS136_NUM_FOLLOW UP QUESTION.docx    
Contact Name: Elissa Chandler
Contact Email: echandler@nextgen.com
Contact Phone: 2677255354
Institution/Name: NextGen Healthcare
Solution: Thank you for your question. The measure assesses whether patients had a visit with a provider who has prescribing authority within 30 days of ADHD medication being dispensed (i.e., ADHD medication was prescribed by practitioner, and subsequently picked up at the pharmacy by patient or patient proxy). Therefore, in both examples, the patient would fall into the numerator 1.
There are two components required for Numerator 2: 1) a face-to-face encounter within 30 days after the index prescription start date and 2) at least two follow-up visits within 31 and 300 days after the index prescription start date. Providing the medications are dispensed (as opposed to just being prescribed), both situations described in the examples would only satisfy the first component and not the second component of Numerator 2. Thus, neither example would be compliant for Numerator 2.
It is important to mention that we are considering the following change: timing operator for medications changed from "ends after end of" to "starts after end of." This update would be made during the 2017 annual update cycle.
2017 Performance Period EC eCQMs:
If your issue is regarding an older eCQM version, enter it here: CMS136v5
Impact: high impacts measure development
Comment Posted On:



Per the specification for the Numerator the encounter performed “ends after end of $InitialADHDMedication”.
1. Does this mean that the medication must have a stop date and the encounter must be documented during or after the medication stop date? OR
2. Can the medication continue to be active without having a medication stop date and the encounter can be performed within the specified timeframe after the FIRST medication has been prescribed?

Numerator 1:
• Patient has FIRST ADHD medication ($InitialADHDMedication) prescribed on 1/1/2016 which is within 60 days after the start of the measurement period with no medication stop date documented.
• Patient then has an encounter Office Visit on 1/20/2016 which is within 30 days after the FIRST ADHD medication ($InitialADHDMedication) prescribed on 1/1/2016.
• Will this patient meet Numerator even if there are no medication stop date documented?

Numerator 1:
• Patient has FIRST ADHD medication ($InitialADHDMedication) prescribed on 1/1/2016 which is within 60 days after the start of the measurement period with medication stop date of 1/15/2016.
• Patient then has an encounter Office Visit on 1/20/2016 which is within 30 days after the stop date of 1/15/2016 of the FIRST ADHD medication ($InitialADHDMedication).
• Will this patient meet Numerator because it was performed within 30 days after the medication has been stopped?

Will your response also apply to Numerator Criteria 2 for any of the above examples?

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 02/21/17 ]

Sorry for any confusion. In the original example that you provided, we noticed that both visits took place within the 30 day period after the first ADHD medication. In that case, patient would be non-compliant for numerator 2.

Allow us to clarify our earlier response regarding end date/time. The measure does not require an end date/time for the medication. The patient can remain active on the medication during the follow-up encounter. We are only interested in the end date for the dispensing event.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 02/01/17 ]

Hi could we please have an ETA on this question. I added a follow-up question and have not yet heard back. thank you.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 01/23/17 ]

hello could we please have an ETA on this question. I added follow-up question..and have not yet heard back.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 01/09/17 ]

Hello, thank you for responses so far. However, our measures developer seeks further clarification.
The problem is the 'solution' and the 'comments' on JIRA are two different conflicting answers.
Below are questions the developer has written up for follow up and clarification:


My question is whether or not the medication must have a stop date prior to the encounter performed.

The response that was left in the comment section suggests that the medication stop date must occur prior to an encounter performed as portrayed in their example. However, up in the solutions section, it suggests that both examples that we provided will meet numerator 1. The main difference in our examples is that one scenario has a medication stop date while the other does not have.

In addition, the response in the comment section suggests that both examples that we provided will meet both Numerator 1 and Numerator 2 requirements. However, the response in the solutions section states that our examples will only meet Numerator 1 requirements. I have no opposition to that.

Let me know if you have any more questions. Thanks!

See below as a reference:

On top in the "Solution" section, it says :

Thank you for your question. The measure assesses whether patients had a visit with a provider who has prescribing authority within 30 days of ADHD medication being dispensed (i.e., ADHD medication was prescribed by practitioner, and subsequently picked up at the pharmacy by patient or patient proxy). Therefore, in both examples, the patient would fall into the numerator 1.

There are two components required for Numerator 2: 1) a face-to-face encounter within 30 days after the index prescription start date and 2) at least two follow-up visits within 31 and 300 days after the index prescription start date. Providing the medications are dispensed (as opposed to just being prescribed), both situations described in the examples would only satisfy the first component and not the second component of Numerator 2. Thus, neither example would be compliant for Numerator 2.

It is important to mention that we are considering the following change: timing operator for medications changed from "ends after end of" to "starts after end of." This update would be made during the 2017 annual update cycle.

But in the comments section,

Response to question 1:
In the scenario that you have described, the patient will meet numerator 1 and 2 requirements.

Response to question 2:
To meet numerator 1 and 2, the medication will need a stop date/time recorded in the system. Assume the following test scenario:

Office visit with physician: 1/20/2016 at 4 pm.
To meet numerator 1 criteria, the medication dispensed should end before 3:59 pm on 1/20/2016 (i.e., customer should pick up the medication by this date).

To be clear, this does not mean that the medication should not be active. The patient should still be on the medication after the dispensing end date.

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 01/04/17 ]

Response to question 1:
In the scenario that you have described, the patient will meet numerator 1 and 2 requirements.

Response to question 2:
To meet numerator 1 and 2, the medication will need a stop date/time recorded in the system. Assume the following test scenario:

Office visit with physician: 1/20/2016 at 4 pm.
To meet numerator 1 criteria, the medication dispensed should end before 3:59 pm on 1/20/2016 (i.e., customer should pick up the medication by this date).

To be clear, this does not mean that the medication should not be active. The patient should still be on the medication after the dispensing end date.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 12/08/16 ]

Hello, thank you for your responses!! PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENT – with 2 follow-up questions that relate to the answers you provided. Thank you!

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 10/28/16 ]

Hi could we receive an ETA on response...this question has urgent impact to providers and multiple stakeholders. thank you.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 10/20/16 ]

hi could I get an ETA this is urgent request from our team

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 10/13/16 ]

hi do you have an ETA on response. tyvm

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