[CQM-1874] Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis - episodic or chronic measure Created: 02/02/16  Updated: 07/20/16  Resolved: 07/20/16

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Guidance, Measure

Type: Implementation Problem Priority: Minor
Reporter: Rosa Neibel (Inactive) Assignee: Mathematica EC eCQM Team
Resolution: Fixed Votes: 0
Labels: None

Solution: Thank you for your question. We agree that this is an episode of care measure. During the 2016 annual update cycle, we updated the measure header to reflect this. In the latest specification, you will see "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: Ambulatory/ED Visit" against the Measure Item Count field in the header. We hope this addresses your concern.
Solution Posted On:
Impact: Not able to accurately calculate performance
Comment Posted On:


While the USHIK specs do call out occurrence A and no others, the clinical recommendation statement does seem to indicate that this should be done on a patient by patient basis for each of the patient’s eligible visits with pharyngitis. To me, this sounds like an episodic measure with an acute filter. Should this measure performance be calculated for each episode of pharyngitis or once during the reporting period?

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