[CQM-1694] CMS188V5 (PN-6) contains several incorrect value-set display names in the HQMF file Created: 08/31/15  Updated: 05/23/16  Resolved: 04/19/16

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: Annual Update Priority: Minor
Reporter: Patrick Yamaura (Inactive) Assignee: Joelencia Leflore
Resolution: Done Votes: 0
Labels: None

Attachments: XML File CMS188v5.xml    
Issue Links:
Solution: ​Bonnie uses an optional element for display name values that are in the HQMF. We have worked with the Bonnie team and this will be resolved with the October 6th release of the MAT.
Solution Posted On:


The HQMF for CMS188v5/NQF0147/PN-6 contains several incorrect "displayName" elements for Laboratory Tests. This causes problems for tools and reports that use the display name including the Bonnie tool. In Bonnie the misidentified laboratory tests are not available for selection while building test patients/cases.

Here are the 4 misidentified value-sets from the HQMF:
<code valueSet="2.16.840.1.113883.3.666.5.1035">
<displayName value="LDL-c LOINC Value Set"/>
<code valueSet="2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1111.22">
<displayName value="LDL-c LOINC Value Set"/>
<code valueSet="2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1111.20">
<displayName value="LDL-c LOINC Value Set"/>
<code valueSet="2.16.840.1.113762.1.4.1111.23">
<displayName value="LDL-c LOINC Value Set"/>

Generated at Wed Mar 19 20:29:53 EDT 2025 using Jira 9.12.16#9120016-sha1:6bee0863f3e6dbb91e4be2d992a3b6761c21c9e0.