[CQM-1685] MU2 EP:CMS128:Need clarification on Numerator condition Created: 08/26/15  Updated: 09/09/15  Resolved: 09/09/15

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians Priority: Minor
Reporter: Mangala (Inactive) Assignee: Mathematica EC eCQM Team
Resolution: Answered Votes: 0
Labels: Measure

Attachments: Zip Archive EP_CMS128v3_NQF0105_Antidep_Med_Mgmt.zip    
Contact Name: Mangala Mayekar
Contact Email: mangala.mayekar@citiustech.com
Solution: Thank you for your question. The medication should be active for 84 days of the 114 days after the dispensing event (Occurrence A). What happens to the medication after the 114 days post Occurrence A of medication dispensed should not affect the numerator calculations.
Solution Posted On:
2015 Performance Period EP eCQMs :


Numerator states below:

Medication, Active: Antidepressant Medication (cumulative medication duration >= 84 day(s))" <= 114 day(s) ends after start of "Occurrence A of Medication, Dispensed: Antidepressant Medication

So if the patient has Medication active:Antidepressant Medication which ends after 114 days of Medication, Dispensed: Antidepressant Medication then do we need to exclude that patient from measure ie patient will get Performance NOT MET status or do that patient's medication difference till 114 days needs to consider to calculate cumulative duration.

Kindly suggest.

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