[CQM-1643] Stage 2 Core Objective 2: e-Prescribing (eRx) measure? We need clarification Created: 07/22/15  Updated: 04/02/19  Resolved: 04/02/19

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: Other Priority: Minor
Reporter: Elissa Chandler (Inactive) Assignee: Albert W. Taylor (Inactive)
Resolution: Deferred Votes: 0
Labels: None

Contact Name: Elissa Chandler
Contact Email: echandler@nextgen.com
Contact Phone: 267-725-5354
Institution/Name: NextGen Healthcare
Impact: impacts measure development
Comment Posted On:


Stage 2 Core Objective 2: e-Prescribing (eRx) measure: we have a client requesting urgent clarification.

For numerator of measure requirement it is define as ‘The number of prescriptions in the denominator generated, queried for a drug formulary and transmitted electronically using CEHRT’.
The question we have is should medications that are queried for a drug formulary during the reporting period but are e-prescribed AFTER the medication eligibility check has expired count for meeting the measure numerator? See example below.


Surescript Formulary requirement is that medication eligibility check is only valid for 3 days or 72 hours. We understand that Eligibility is not required to prescribe medications. However, if the benefit information (medication eligibility check) has expired, does the medication eligibility have to be rechecked prior to sending an e-prescription to meet this measure numerator.

So should medication count in numerator if a medication has a medication eligibility check completed on 1/1/15 but the medication is not e-prescribed until 1/5/15 which is 4 days after the query for a drug formulary which means the medication eligibility check has expired and is no longer valid when the medication was e-prescribed.

Comment by Albert W. Taylor (Inactive) [ 04/02/19 ]

Given the extended elapsed time since this ticket was placed, we are closing it.  If this question persists, please submit another ticket.

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