[CQM-1635] Changes to Breast Cancer Screening Measure (CMS125) Created: 07/14/15  Updated: 06/10/16  Resolved: 04/19/16

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians Priority: Minor
Reporter: Mathematica EC eCQM Team Assignee: Mathematica EC eCQM Team
Resolution: Done Votes: 2
Labels: CRP

Attachments: Microsoft Word July 2015 CRP Public Comment.docx    
Issue Links:
Solution: The eCQM will be updated during the 2016 annual update process. The updated measure should be posted by May 2016.
Solution Posted On:
2016 Performance Period EP eCQMs :
2015 Performance Period EP eCQMs :
Comment Posted On:
CRP Recommendations: See attached Word file.
CRP Voting Results: 1.Revise the age range from 40-69 to 50-74 years of age
        a.Agree 13/31 ( 42%)
        b.Disagree 1/31 ( 3%)

2.Extend numerator timeframe from 24 months to 27 months to allow a 3-month grace period
        a.Agree 14/31 ( 45%)
        b.Disagree 1/31 ( 3%)

3.Do NOT add the ““14 days apart” timing to the current exclusion “Exclude women who have had two unilateral mastectomies”
        a.Agree 14/31 ( 45%)
        b.Disagree 1/31 ( 3%)

4.Add the following exclusion criteria:
-Exclude women who have had a bilateral mastectomy or two unilateral mastectomies:
 --Right and left unilateral mastectomy
 --History of bilateral mastectomy

        a.Agree 12/31 ( 39%)
        b.Disagree 1/31 ( 3%)

Last Commented Date:


The Breast Cancer Screening Measure (CMS125) will be discussed during the July Change Review Process (CRP) meeting. Recommendations from the CRP meeting will be posted afterwards for public comment.

NCQA would like to discuss the following changes to the Breast Cancer Screening Measure (CMS124):

• Modify age group to be women 50-74 years of age to align with the U.S Preventive Services Task Force clinical guideline and NCQA’s HEDIS health plan measure
• Expand the time interval to 27 months to allow for grace period to align with NCQA’s HEDIS health plan measure
• Possible addition of exclusions that are currently part of NCQA’s HEDIS health plan measure

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 06/10/16 ]

Data submission questions should be directed to QNet. Please find contact information below: PQRS Help Desk Support Qnetsupport@hcqis.org (866) 288-8912 QualityNet Help Desk – Available Monday – Friday; 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. Central Time (CT) Common support issues include:

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Phone: 1-866-288-8912 TTY: 1-877-715-6222 Email: Qnetsupport@hcqis.org

Comment by Samantha Wang (Inactive) [ 09/18/15 ]

For the specifications published in May 2016, my understanding is that those will only take affect for reporting year 2017.

In terms of benchmarking, if EPs stop screening female patients 40-50 years of age (per the new guidelines), this has the potential to negatively impact their quality data scores for reporting year 2015 and 2016 since they will be reporting mammogram screening for 33% of patients in the denominator who do not require screening.

What considerations are there for EPs and vendors to have the flexibility to implement this update earlier for the 2015 reporting year? Or at a minimum to start Jan 1 of the 2016 reporting year?

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 09/17/15 ]

Thank you for your question. The eCQM will be updated during the 2016 annual update process. The updated measure should be posted by May 2016.

Comment by Adrian Nedelcut (Inactive) [ 09/04/15 ]

Where can we get the final, updated version of this measure? Our PQRS direct vendor is still using the old version and is saying that they can't find the new version with the appropriate specifications. The updated criteria would really help our numbers.
I would really appreciate your help with this,
Thank you.

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 08/21/15 ]

CRP voting results have been updated for this issue. Participants agreed with the following recommendations:

1.Revise the age range from 40-69 to 50-74 years of age

2. Extend numerator timeframe from 24 months to 27 months to allow a 3-month grace period

3. Do NOT add the ““14 days apart” timing to the current exclusion “Exclude women who have had two unilateral mastectomies”

4. Add the following exclusion criteria:
-Exclude women who have had a bilateral mastectomy or two unilateral mastectomies:
--Right and left unilateral mastectomy
--History of bilateral mastectomy

Comment by Samantha Wang (Inactive) [ 08/21/15 ]

I am also curious about the outcome. If the recommended change is made for Meaningful Use will this also roll over to the PQRS reporting guidelines?

Thank you.

Comment by Adrian Nedelcut (Inactive) [ 08/20/15 ]

Have the changes been made? What was the outcome of the July Change Review Process (CRP) meeting? Thank you.

Comment by Adrian Nedelcut (Inactive) [ 07/27/15 ]

After reviewing the public comment document attached above I found the documentation "AND: "Diagnostic study, performed: Mammogram" etc". But in the PQRS #112 measure, under Numerator Options I find - Performance Met: screening mammography results documented and reviewed.

I would like the confusion between screening vs diagnostic mammogram to be clarified. A diagnostic mammogram is not necessarily a screening test (as usually there is a finding on physical examination or in a screening mammogram - that then requires the patient to undergo a diagnostic mammogram), whereas a screening mammogram would be done more frequently and it would satisfy the measure.

I was under the impression that screening mammograms would be the only ones accepted - due to the CPT II 3014F code.
If diagnostic mammograms would also be added to the numerator, then that would be also acceptable, as we don't want people to be irradiated multiple times only to meet the measure.
Thank you.

Comment by Sarah Corley (Inactive) [ 07/17/15 ]

agree with a grace period and alignment to match the age ranges and screening frequency of the USPSTF.

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 07/17/15 ]

We have attached a Word document with updated logic and CRP feedback to address this issue. Please review and let us know if you have any questions.

Please share any relevant feedback to this issue as a comment to this ticket. We will be collecting feedback for the next month.

Thank you!

Comment by Mathematica EC eCQM Team [ 07/16/15 ]

Thank you for pointing that out Devin, I have updated accordingly!

Best Regards,

Comment by Devin Moberly [ 07/16/15 ]

It appears this was tagged with the wrong measure number. Breast Cancer Screening is CMS125

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