[CQM-1223] CMS 169: denominator criteria Created: 07/14/14  Updated: 01/19/15  Resolved: 01/19/15

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: Other Priority: Minor
Reporter: Elissa Chandler (Inactive) Assignee: Mathematica EC eCQM Team
Resolution: Answered Votes: 0
Labels: None

Contact Name: Elissa Chandler
Contact Email: echandler@nextgen.com
Contact Phone: 2677255354
Institution/Name: NextGen Healthcare
Solution: By 'documented' we assume you are indicating the time when one of the listed procedures, encounters or medications was performed or ordered in relationship to the encounter, opposed to the time the event was documented in the record.
In your question, you ask if one of the listed procedures, encounters or medications are documented DURING Occurrence A of Encounter Performed:BH Outpatient Encounter.
Just to clarify, the During operator asserts that an event on the left-hand side is wholly within an event on the right-hand side. In other words, both of the following statements must be true:
• The start date/time of an event on the left-hand side is after or equal to the start date/time of an event on the right-hand side
• The end date/time of the same left-hand side event is before or equal to the end date/time of the same right-hand side event
Therefore the ordered or performed procedure, encounter or medication would need to start and end within the start and end time of the encounter to meet the denominator criteria.
In answer to your question:
Technically, the denominator criteria would be met if one of the listed procedures, encounters or medications was performed or ordered with a time stamp from < 1 minute before the start of (allowed margin of error) to 42 days after the start of Occurrence A of BH Outpatient Encounter.
Solution Posted On:
Impact: critical impacts cert
Comment Posted On:



Denominator criteria is looking for Procedures, Encounters, or Medications documented <= 42 day(s) starts after start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: BH Outpatient encounter" as stated below.

If any of the below Procedures, Encounters, or Medications are documented DURING Occurrence A of Encounter Performed: BH Outpatient encounter, should that also suffice for the Denominator criteria in addition to it being documented AFTER the Occurrence A of Encounter Performed: BH Outpatient encounter?

■OR: "Procedure, Performed: BH Electroconvulsive therapy"
■OR: "Procedure, Order: BH Electroconvulsive therapy"
■OR: "Occurrence A of Medication, Order: BH Antidepressant medication"
■OR: "Medication, Order: BH Mood stabilizer medication"
■OR: "Procedure, Performed: BH Counseling for depression"
■OR: "Procedure, Order: BH Counseling for depression"
■OR: "Encounter, Order: BH Outpatient psychotherapy"
■OR: "Encounter, Performed: BH Outpatient psychotherapy"
■<= 42 day(s) starts after start of "Occurrence A of Encounter, Performed: BH Outpatient encounter"

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 09/09/14 ]

Hi, could we can an ETA on the solution? Thank you.

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