[CQM-1030] Population definitions for CMS124 and CMS65 Created: 02/06/14  Updated: 03/27/19  Resolved: 03/27/19

Status: Closed
Project: eCQM Issue Tracker
Component/s: Measure

Type: EC eCQMs - Eligible Clinicians Priority: Minor
Reporter: Elissa Chandler (Inactive) Assignee: Mathematica EC eCQM Team
Resolution: Resolved Votes: 0
Labels: None

Attachments: Microsoft Word JIRA_NG_questions_2_6_14_CMS_124_65.docx    
Contact Name: Elissa Chandler
Contact Email: echandler@nextgen.com
Contact Phone: 2677255354
Institution/Name: NextGen Healthcare Information Systems
Guidance required: measures criteria clarification
Solution: RESPONSE for CMS65: Yes, patients who are 85 years old at the start of the measurement period should be included in the IPP. Any patient who is 86 or older should not be included in the measure IPP. This is an issue that affects different measures and we are working with others to provide further clarification. We will update this issue with news and final recommendations as soon as they are available.

RESPONSE for CMS124: Thank you for your comments. We will review the age calculation and the measure criteria. Any changes will be made during the annual update process.

Solution Posted On:
2015 Performance Period EP eCQMs :
CMS124v1/NQF0032, CMS65v1/NQFna
Impact: critical impacts measure dev for cert
Comment Posted On:


CMS 124 and CMS 65
See attached - Discrepancy in the desciption and population criteria

Comment by Cindy Cullen [ 03/27/19 ]

Resolved per respondent.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 03/31/14 ]

ok to close per NG measures team

Comment by Ramya Tallapragada (Inactive) [ 03/27/14 ]

Here is the measure developer's response for CMS124: If the patient age is calculated as 64, the patient would not be included in the measure as the logic criteria states less than 64.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 03/12/14 ]

CMS 65: thanks for your response.

CMS 124: we still have a question regarding this measure.
The question is should patients 64 years old be included in the measure?

Comment by Jeff McCartney (Inactive) [ 03/05/14 ]

RESPONSE for CMS65: Yes, patients who are 85 years old at the start of the measurement period should be included in the IPP. Any patient who is 86 or older should not be included in the measure IPP. This is an issue that affects different measures and we are working with others to provide further clarification. We will update this issue with news and final recommendations as soon as they are available.

Comment by Elissa Chandler (Inactive) [ 02/24/14 ]

Hi Ramya, can you let us know status of this question. Thank you, Elissa

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