eCQM Title | CMS165v13 - Controlling High Blood Pressure |
CMS ID | eCQM Version Number | Draft based on 0.0.000 | |
CBE Number | Not Applicable | GUID | 5983d1af-467e-42b3-b229-becaf5e1759c |
Measurement Period | January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025 | ||
Measure Steward | National Committee for Quality Assurance | ||
Measure Developer | National Committee for Quality Assurance | ||
Endorsed By | None | ||
Description |
Percentage of patients 18-85 years of age who had a diagnosis of essential hypertension starting before and continuing into, or starting during the first six months of the measurement period, and whose most recent blood pressure was adequately controlled (<140/90 mmHg) during the measurement period |
Copyright |
Disclaimer |
Measure Scoring | Proportion | ||
Measure Type | Intermediate Outcome | ||
Stratification |
None |
Risk Adjustment |
Rate Aggregation |
Rationale |
Clinical Recommendation Statement |
Improvement Notation |
Reference | |||
Definition |
Guidance |
Transmission Format |
Initial Population |
None |
Denominator |
None |
Denominator Exclusions |
None |
Numerator |
None |
Numerator Exclusions |
None |
Denominator Exceptions |
None |
Supplemental Data Elements |
AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period" ) in Interval[18, 85] and exists "Essential Hypertension Diagnosis" and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters"
"Initial Population"
Hospice."Has Hospice Services" or exists ( "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter" ) or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty" or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home" or PalliativeCare."Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period"
"Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140" and "Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90"
( ["Encounter, Performed": "Office Visit"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Annual Wellness Visit"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Preventive Care Services Established Office Visit, 18 and Up"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Preventive Care Services Initial Office Visit, 18 and Up"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Home Healthcare Services"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Virtual Encounter"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Telephone Visits"] ) ValidEncounter where ValidEncounter.relevantPeriod during day of "Measurement Period"
exists ( ["Diagnosis": "Advanced Illness"] AdvancedIllnessDiagnosis where AdvancedIllnessDiagnosis.prevalencePeriod starts during day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 1 year, end of "Measurement Period"] )
exists ( ["Device, Order": "Frailty Device"] FrailtyDeviceOrder where FrailtyDeviceOrder.authorDatetime during day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Assessment, Performed": "Medical equipment used"] EquipmentUsed where EquipmentUsed.result in "Frailty Device" and Global."NormalizeInterval" ( EquipmentUsed.relevantDatetime, EquipmentUsed.relevantPeriod ) ends during day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Diagnosis": "Frailty Diagnosis"] FrailtyDiagnosis where FrailtyDiagnosis.prevalencePeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Frailty Encounter"] FrailtyEncounter where FrailtyEncounter.relevantPeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Symptom": "Frailty Symptom"] FrailtySymptom where FrailtySymptom.prevalencePeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" )
exists (["Medication, Active": "Dementia Medications"] DementiaMedication where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( DementiaMedication.relevantDatetime, DementiaMedication.relevantPeriod ) overlaps day of Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 1 year, end of "Measurement Period"])
( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period" )>= 66 ) and ( ( Last(["Assessment, Performed": "Housing status"] HousingStatus where Global."NormalizeInterval"(HousingStatus.relevantDatetime, HousingStatus.relevantPeriod) ends on or before day of end of "Measurement Period" sort by end of Global."NormalizeInterval"(relevantDatetime, relevantPeriod)asc )) LastHousingStatus where LastHousingStatus.result ~ "Lives in nursing home (finding)" ) is not null
( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period" )in Interval[66, 80] and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty" and ( "Has Advanced Illness in Year Before or During Measurement Period" or "Has Dementia Medications in Year Before or During Measurement Period" ) ) or ( AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period" )>= 81 and "Has Criteria Indicating Frailty" )
( "Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading" DBPExam return date from Global."LatestOf" ( DBPExam.relevantDatetime, DBPExam.relevantPeriod ) ) intersect ( "Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading" SBPExam return date from Global."LatestOf" ( SBPExam.relevantDatetime, SBPExam.relevantPeriod ) )
"Initial Population"
Hospice."Has Hospice Services" or exists ( "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter" ) or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty" or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home" or PalliativeCare."Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period"
["Encounter, Performed": "ESRD Monthly Outpatient Services"] ESRDEncounter where ESRDEncounter.relevantPeriod starts on or before end of "Measurement Period"
( ["Procedure, Performed": "Kidney Transplant"] union ["Procedure, Performed": "Dialysis Services"] ) ESRDProcedure where end of Global."NormalizeInterval" ( ESRDProcedure.relevantDatetime, ESRDProcedure.relevantPeriod ) on or before end of "Measurement Period"
["Diagnosis": "Essential Hypertension"] Hypertension where Hypertension.prevalencePeriod overlaps Interval[start of "Measurement Period", start of "Measurement Period" + 6 months )
"Lowest Diastolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day".result < 90 'mm[Hg]'
"Lowest Systolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day".result < 140 'mm[Hg]'
exists ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Encounter Inpatient"] InpatientEncounter where ( InpatientEncounter.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to home for hospice care (procedure)" or InpatientEncounter.dischargeDisposition ~ "Discharge to healthcare facility for hospice care (procedure)" ) and InpatientEncounter.relevantPeriod ends during day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Hospice Encounter"] HospiceEncounter where HospiceEncounter.relevantPeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Assessment, Performed": "Hospice care [Minimum Data Set]"] HospiceAssessment where HospiceAssessment.result ~ "Yes (qualifier value)" and Global."NormalizeInterval" ( HospiceAssessment.relevantDatetime, HospiceAssessment.relevantPeriod ) overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Intervention, Order": "Hospice Care Ambulatory"] HospiceOrder where HospiceOrder.authorDatetime during day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Intervention, Performed": "Hospice Care Ambulatory"] HospicePerformed where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( HospicePerformed.relevantDatetime, HospicePerformed.relevantPeriod ) overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Diagnosis": "Hospice Diagnosis"] HospiceCareDiagnosis where HospiceCareDiagnosis.prevalencePeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" )
AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period" ) in Interval[18, 85] and exists "Essential Hypertension Diagnosis" and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters"
First("Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading" DBPReading where Global."LatestOf"(DBPReading.relevantDatetime, DBPReading.relevantPeriod) same day as "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" sort by(result as Quantity) )
First("Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading" SBPReading where Global."LatestOf"(SBPReading.relevantDatetime, SBPReading.relevantPeriod) same day as "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" sort by(result as Quantity) )
Last("Blood Pressure Days" BPDays sort asc )
"Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140" and "Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90"
exists ( ["Assessment, Performed": "Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy - Palliative Care Questionnaire (FACIT-Pal)"] PalliativeAssessment where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( PalliativeAssessment.relevantDatetime, PalliativeAssessment.relevantPeriod ) overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Diagnosis": "Palliative Care Diagnosis"] PalliativeDiagnosis where PalliativeDiagnosis.prevalencePeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Palliative Care Encounter"] PalliativeEncounter where PalliativeEncounter.relevantPeriod overlaps day of "Measurement Period" ) or exists ( ["Intervention, Performed": "Palliative Care Intervention"] PalliativeIntervention where Global."NormalizeInterval" ( PalliativeIntervention.relevantDatetime, PalliativeIntervention.relevantPeriod ) overlaps day of "Measurement Period" )
( ["Diagnosis": "Pregnancy"] union ["Diagnosis": "End Stage Renal Disease"] union ["Diagnosis": "Kidney Transplant Recipient"] union ["Diagnosis": "Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5"] ) PregnancyESRDDiagnosis where PregnancyESRDDiagnosis.prevalencePeriod overlaps "Measurement Period"
["Physical Exam, Performed": "Diastolic blood pressure"] DiastolicBP without ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Encounter Inpatient"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Emergency Department Evaluation and Management Visit"] ) DisqualifyingEncounter such that Global."LatestOf" ( DiastolicBP.relevantDatetime, DiastolicBP.relevantPeriod ) during day of DisqualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod where DiastolicBP.result.unit = 'mm[Hg]' and Global."LatestOf" ( DiastolicBP.relevantDatetime, DiastolicBP.relevantPeriod ) during day of "Measurement Period"
["Physical Exam, Performed": "Systolic blood pressure"] SystolicBP without ( ["Encounter, Performed": "Encounter Inpatient"] union ["Encounter, Performed": "Emergency Department Evaluation and Management Visit"] ) DisqualifyingEncounter such that Global."LatestOf" ( SystolicBP.relevantDatetime, SystolicBP.relevantPeriod ) during day of DisqualifyingEncounter.relevantPeriod where SystolicBP.result.unit = 'mm[Hg]' and Global."LatestOf" ( SystolicBP.relevantDatetime, SystolicBP.relevantPeriod ) during day of "Measurement Period"
["Patient Characteristic Ethnicity": "Ethnicity"]
["Patient Characteristic Payer": "Payer Type"]
["Patient Characteristic Race": "Race"]
["Patient Characteristic Sex": "ONC Administrative Sex"]
not ( end of period is null or end of period = maximum DateTime )
if ( HasEnd(period)) then end of period else start of period
Latest(NormalizeInterval(pointInTime, period))
if pointInTime is not null then Interval[pointInTime, pointInTime] else if period is not null then period else null as Interval<DateTime>
["Patient Characteristic Ethnicity": "Ethnicity"]
["Patient Characteristic Payer": "Payer Type"]
["Patient Characteristic Race": "Race"]
["Patient Characteristic Sex": "ONC Administrative Sex"]
Measure Set |