library OncologyPainIntensityQuantifiedFHIR version '0.0.005' using QICore version '4.1.1' include FHIRHelpers version '4.3.000' called FHIRHelpers include CQMCommon version '1.4.000' called CQMCommon include QICoreCommon version '1.5.000' called QICoreCommon include Status version '1.6.000' called Status include SupplementalDataElements version '3.4.000' called SDE codesystem "CPT": '' valueset "Cancer": '' valueset "Chemotherapy Administration": '' valueset "Office Visit": '' valueset "Radiation Treatment Management": '' valueset "Standardized Pain Assessment Tool": '' code "Radiation treatment management, 5 treatments": '77427' from "CPT" display 'Radiation treatment management, 5 treatments' parameter "Measurement Period" Interval context Patient define "Denominator 1": "Initial Population 1" define "Denominator 2": "Initial Population 2" define "Initial Population 1": "Face to Face or Telehealth Encounter with Ongoing Chemotherapy" define "Initial Population 2": "Radiation Treatment Management During Measurement Period with Cancer Diagnosis" define "Chemotherapy Within 31 Days Prior and During Measurement Period": (Status."Completed Procedure" (["Procedure": "Chemotherapy Administration"])) ChemoAdministration where ChemoAdministration.performed.toInterval () during Interval[start of "Measurement Period" - 31 days, end of "Measurement Period"] define "Face to Face or Telehealth Encounter with Ongoing Chemotherapy": from (Status."Finished Encounter" (["Encounter": "Office Visit"])) FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounter, "Chemotherapy Within 31 Days Prior and During Measurement Period" ChemoBeforeEncounter, "Chemotherapy Within 31 Days Prior and During Measurement Period" ChemoAfterEncounter, ["Condition": "Cancer"] Cancer where Cancer.isActive() and Cancer.prevalenceInterval() overlaps FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounter.period and ChemoBeforeEncounter.performed.toInterval() starts 30 days or less on or before day of end of FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounter.period and ChemoAfterEncounter.performed.toInterval() starts 30 days or less on or after day of end of FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounter.period and not (ChemoAfterEncounter.performed.toInterval() same day as ChemoBeforeEncounter.performed.toInterval()) and FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounter.period during "Measurement Period" return FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounter define "Numerator 1": "Face to Face or Telehealth Encounter with Ongoing Chemotherapy" FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounterWithChemo with ["Observation": "Standardized Pain Assessment Tool"] PainAssessed such that PainAssessed.effective.toInterval () during FaceToFaceOrTelehealthEncounterWithChemo.period and PainAssessed.value is not null and PainAssessed.status = 'final' define "Radiation Treatment Management During Measurement Period with Cancer Diagnosis": (Status."Finished Encounter" (["Encounter": "Radiation Treatment Management"])) RadiationTreatmentManagement with ["Condition": "Cancer"] Cancer such that Cancer.isActive() and Cancer.prevalenceInterval() overlaps RadiationTreatmentManagement.period and RadiationTreatmentManagement.period during "Measurement Period" define "Numerator 2": "Radiation Treatment Management During Measurement Period with Cancer Diagnosis" RadiationManagementEncounter with ["Observation": "Standardized Pain Assessment Tool"] PainAssessed such that case when exists ((RadiationManagementEncounter.type)RadiationManagement where RadiationManagement ~ "Radiation treatment management, 5 treatments") then PainAssessed.effective.toInterval () 6 days or less on or before day of start of RadiationManagementEncounter.period else PainAssessed.effective.toInterval () during day of RadiationManagementEncounter.period end and PainAssessed.value is not null and PainAssessed.status = 'final' define "SDE Ethnicity": SDE."SDE Ethnicity" define "SDE Payer": SDE."SDE Payer" define "SDE Race": SDE."SDE Race" define "SDE Sex": SDE."SDE Sex"