library ControllingHighBloodPressureFHIR version '0.0.001' using QICore version '4.1.1' include FHIRHelpers version '4.2.000' called FHIRHelpers include QICoreCommon version '1.3.000' called QICoreCommon include CQMCommon version '1.1.000' called Global include SupplementalDataElements version '3.2.000' called SDE include Status version '1.3.000' called Status include AdultOutpatientEncounters version '4.3.000' called AdultOutpatientEncounters include AdvancedIllnessandFrailty version '1.3.000' called AIFrailLTCF include Hospice version '6.4.000' called Hospice include PalliativeCare version '1.4.000' called PalliativeCare codesystem "LOINC": '' valueset "Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5": '' valueset "Dialysis Services": '' valueset "Emergency Department Visit": '' valueset "Encounter Inpatient": '' valueset "End Stage Renal Disease": '' valueset "ESRD Monthly Outpatient Services": '' valueset "Essential Hypertension": '' valueset "Kidney Transplant": '' valueset "Kidney Transplant Recipient": '' valueset "Pregnancy": '' valueset "Dementia Medications": '' code "Diastolic blood pressure": '8462-4' from "LOINC" display 'Diastolic blood pressure' code "Systolic blood pressure": '8480-6' from "LOINC" display 'Systolic blood pressure' parameter "Measurement Period" Interval context Patient define "Initial Population": AgeInYearsAt(date from end of "Measurement Period" )in Interval[18, 85] and exists "Essential Hypertension Diagnosis" and exists AdultOutpatientEncounters."Qualifying Encounters" define "Essential Hypertension Diagnosis": ["Condition": "Essential Hypertension"] Hypertension where QICoreCommon."ToPrevalenceInterval" ( Hypertension ) overlaps Interval[start of "Measurement Period", start of "Measurement Period" + 6 months ) define "Denominator": "Initial Population" define "Denominator Exclusions": Hospice."Has Hospice Services" or exists ( "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis Exclusions" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures" ) or exists ( "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter" ) or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 to 80 with Advanced Illness and Frailty or Is Age 81 or Older with Frailty" or AIFrailLTCF."Is Age 66 or Older Living Long Term in a Nursing Home" or PalliativeCare."Has Palliative Care in the Measurement Period" define "hello": ["Encounter"] define "Pregnancy or Renal Diagnosis Exclusions": ( ["Condition": "Pregnancy"] union ["Condition": "End Stage Renal Disease"] union ["Condition": "Kidney Transplant Recipient"] union ["Condition": "Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5"] ) PregnancyESRDDiagnosis where QICoreCommon."ToPrevalenceInterval" ( PregnancyESRDDiagnosis ) overlaps "Measurement Period" define "End Stage Renal Disease Procedures": ( ( Status."Completed Procedure" ( ["Procedure": "Kidney Transplant"] union ["Procedure": "Dialysis Services"] ) ) ) ESRDProcedure where end of QICoreCommon."ToInterval" ( ESRDProcedure.performed ) on or before end of "Measurement Period" define "End Stage Renal Disease Encounter": ( Status."Finished Encounter" ( ["Encounter": "ESRD Monthly Outpatient Services"] ) ) ESRDEncounter where QICoreCommon."ToInterval" ( ESRDEncounter.period ) starts on or before end of "Measurement Period" define "Numerator": "Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140" and "Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90" define "Has Systolic Blood Pressure Less Than 140": "Lowest Systolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" < 140 'mm[Hg]' define "Has Diastolic Blood Pressure Less Than 90": "Lowest Diastolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" < 90 'mm[Hg]' define "Lowest Diastolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day": First("Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading" DBPReading where QICoreCommon."Latest"(DBPReading.effective) same day as "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" return singleton from(DBPReading.component DBPComponent where DBPComponent.code ~ "Diastolic blood pressure" return DBPComponent.value as Quantity ) sort asc ) define "Lowest Systolic Reading on Most Recent Blood Pressure Day": First("Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading" SBPReading where QICoreCommon."Latest"(SBPReading.effective) same day as "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day" return singleton from(SBPReading.component SBPComponent where SBPComponent.code ~ "Systolic blood pressure" return SBPComponent.value as Quantity ) sort asc ) define "Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading": ( Status."BloodPressure"( ["observation-bp"] )) BloodPressure where (not ( GetEncounter(BloodPressure.encounter).class.code in { 'EMER', 'IMP', 'ACUTE', 'NONAC', 'PRENC', 'SS' } )) and QICoreCommon."Latest" ( BloodPressure.effective ) during day of "Measurement Period" define "Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading": ( Status."BloodPressure"( ["observation-bp"] )) BloodPressure where (not ( GetEncounter(BloodPressure.encounter).class.code in { 'EMER', 'IMP', 'ACUTE', 'NONAC', 'PRENC', 'SS' } )) and QICoreCommon."Latest" ( BloodPressure.effective ) during day of "Measurement Period" define function "GetEncounter"(reference Reference): singleton from ( [Encounter] E where = reference.reference.getId ( ) ) define "Most Recent Blood Pressure Day": Last("Blood Pressure Days" BPDays sort asc ) define "Blood Pressure Days": ( "Qualifying Diastolic Blood Pressure Reading" DBPExam return date from QICoreCommon."Latest" ( DBPExam.effective ) ) intersect ( "Qualifying Systolic Blood Pressure Reading" SBPExam return date from QICoreCommon."Latest" ( SBPExam.effective ) ) define "SDE Ethnicity": SDE."SDE Ethnicity" define "SDE Payer": SDE."SDE Payer" define "SDE Race": SDE."SDE Race" define "SDE Sex": SDE."SDE Sex"